Mental Health & Counseling located in Ohio City, Cleveland, OH

Seven out of 10 adults (and nearly as many teens) develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after experiencing a traumatic event. PTSD causes overwhelming anxiety and flashbacks, but you can overcome your symptoms with help from the experienced therapists at PMA Assessment and Counseling in Cleveland, Ohio. They provide integrative care, drawing from numerous therapies to create personalized treatments targeting your mental health needs. Don’t wait to call the office or use online booking to request an in-person or telemedicine appointment.
PTSD occurs after you experience or witness a frightening or life-threatening event. Your intense emotions overwhelm your brain. Instead of dealing with the emotional fallout, your brain hides the details in your subconscious and then stays on high alert, which causes PTSD.
The traumas that most often cause PTSD include:
• Combat duty
• Gun violence
• Physical assault or abuse
• Emotional abuse
• Sexual violence
• Robberies or home invasions
• Accidents (car, plane, boat, etc.)
• Death of a loved one
• Natural disasters (hurricanes, tornados, etc.)
You can have PTSD after one significant event, or you could develop the condition after numerous experiences like living through months or years of emotional abuse.
What causes PTSD?
Feeling anxious or frightened after a traumatic event is expected. However, these symptoms improve in a few weeks for many people. You have PTSD if your symptoms last a month or longer.
The top symptoms of PTSD include:
• Anxiety
• Depression (negative thoughts, hopelessness, sadness)
• Flashbacks or nightmares
• Isolation from family and friends
• Irritability and anger
• Easily startled or frightened
• Uncharacteristic aggression
• Difficulty sleeping
• Memory loss
• Guilt or shame
• Avoidance
Avoidance means you purposefully stay away from the places, people, and events that may trigger memories of your trauma.
What symptoms does PTSD cause?
Your brain stores details from the trauma (sounds, smells, and sights) in your subconscious memory. You’re usually unaware of them until one day, you randomly encounter a person, place, or activity with similar details that trigger your memory.
You’re suddenly flooded with intense emotions, ranging from anxiety and fear to anger and aggression. You may behave in ways that are not typical for you.